April 25, 2008

Wedding Gifts

In the last two weeks, I've had 2 separate friends get married in different parts of the country, one male, one female.

Of course I saw this as the perfect opportunity for more FABRIC SHOPPING and APRON MAKING!!

I made them each an appropriate apron as part of their wedding gift.

She is an Artist/Painter/60's flower child living in Santa Cruz, California.......

He is a retired marine living in Dallas, Texas.........

The aprons were part of an Avocado-themed gift which included an avo slicer, avo masher, avo cookbook, avocado-shaped serving bowl, and LOTS OF AVOCADOS!

The packages are on the way today. I hope they like wearing their aprons as much as I enjoyed making them.

Best Wishes Lorrie!!

Congratulations Rob!!

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