April 1, 2008

being MIMI...

I am 50 years YOUNG (ACK!) I'm not quite sure how this has happened to me, as I don't feel one second older than I did at 30, and I'm quite sure it was only a few months ago that I was a young stay-at-home Mom of 3. Now those 3 are all grown and I am MIMI to 5 grandchildren! And the oldest is turning 13 in a few months! What is going on here!!! I suppose that becoming a mother at 16 I should have considered the possibility that I could absolutely become a grandmother at 38? Well here I am and let me tell you, everything you've ever heard about being a grandparent is true......you get the cream off the top of the relationship!

Since I share a lovely big home with my son & his family, I get to spend time with the 3 & 4 yr old every day. What a treat to come home every day and see the pleasure on their faces when I walk in the door. (When I was a stay-at-home mom, I think my kids got sick of seeing my face every minute of every day...) They love to spend time in "Mimi's Room" (but only when invited in!) with puzzles, beads to string, and jellybeans.

After living 400 miles away for the last 12 years, the 3 oldest (12,10,7) now live 2 miles away for easy access whenever I (or they) want! The spontaneous sleepovers have been plentiful, and the cousins can't get enough of each other (most of the time).

a few tidbits to show why "Mimi-ing" is such a reward after a hard days work......

overhearing the VERY articulate 3 yr.old talking to a new 6yr old neighbor:
neighbor : "Do you have any pets?"
3 yr old grandson: "Noooo.....we just have a Grandma...."

after spending the day in the 1st grade class for Grandparents day, grandaughter #3 said at the dinnertable:
"Mimi, everyone at Grandparents Day was wrinkly except you!" (that girl is a keeper!!!)

Grandaughter #2 has the sweetest, kindest heart. When she was 4, she asked me to do a somersault with her. I told her I was too "chubby" to do a somersault. Wanting to make me feel better about my size, she lovingly told me "Oh no Mimi! You're not chubby! You just weigh a lot of pounds!!!


1 comment:

Megan said...

LOVE it!! So far, so good. Keep on keepin on. :)
P.S. That picture of your "new" room looks fantastic. Great job. :D