June 3, 2009

OH NO! I'm an internet addict!

WOOHOO! I have my computer back and all is well with the world again......

If you had asked me a week ago about my computer/internet habits I would have told you that yes, I am often on the computer but not all that much and no, it doesn't get in the way of anything important in my life....of course not!! Not me!...That sounds like one of those people with an internet addiction.....nope, not me!

AND THEN....I got one of those stupid spyware thingys that wouldn't let me do anything at all....no internet, no blogs, no e-mail, NOTHING! I had to make the call and surrender the laptop for a few days.....AAAAAGGGHHH!!!! The Computer Guy had to practically pry it from my hands....

I was out of commission for 5 days and I barely made it! Even though there are two other computers in my household they belong to other people who have their own internet needs so that didn't really help much. I do have internet access at the office but not enough free time there to read all the blogs I absolutely need to read every day. I couldn't stand not knowing what was going on in the lives of all those people whose blogs I read every day even though I've never met them....I felt so out of the loop! Who knew I had a problem! I was desperate for a fix... I can't even count how many times I started to sit at my desk to log on and ended up just sitting there staring at the BIG EMPTY SPACE where a laptop should have been. I actually felt a silly few minutes of mild anxiety a few times: "what if he can't fix it?" "what if the whole thing crashed and I lose everything (even though I have a current back-up)?"
I used up two whole pages in my mini-spiral notebook writing down things I wanted to research/read/search/blog the minute things were back to "normal"........

Well, I've had my laptop back long enough to get caught up on all those blog-lives and cross everything off my spiral notebook list and I'm finally able to be here blog-posting......life is good again!

The silver lining?: I had a lot more time for sewing. I made seven aprons, finished off my mending pile, and cut out several other projects. I also read all the magazines that had piled up on my nightstand and finished two books I'd been trying to find the time to finish....(Noooo, I don't spend too much of my time on the computer...absolutely not!)

It certainly looks like I'll be figuring out some time management priorities around here.....as soon as I'm done here on my computer of course!

By the way, if you live in the Murrieta/Temecula area and are in need of some computer help or repair, I highly recommend Kyle's Computer Repair. Kyle Wilson is a college student studying computer programming and has a computer business on the side. He even picks up and delivers! And his rates are reasonable, too. He only had my laptop for 2 days and it now runs better than it has in a very long time.......THANK YOU KYLE FOR GETTING MY LIFE BACK ON TRACK...

1 comment:

Trendsetters said...


your blog is awesome..really cool
we have a arts n crafts blog too

we would love you to visit our blog and possibly link our blog in yours. we are happy to do the same in return

thank you