I make custom aprons. I get requests for certain themes or hobbies and can usually find fabric to fulfill these specific requests. I have come to the conclusion that somewhere out there, especially with the internet, you can find anything printed on fabric if you look hard enough!
My mother requested an apron for my niece who works at a school for the deaf. I told her I couldn't imagine how I could do that, and then look what I found!
A friend wanted an apron for his wife with bricks on it, since her nickname is " Brick House" (I'll bet she loves that). I found 6 different fabrics that look like a brick wall! I mean, how many people are looking for fabric like that? Who knew?
Which brings me to the reason for bringing this up (stay with me here, this will make sense by the end, I promise).........
!I am terrified of grasshoppers !!
I don't have any valid reason for it, but they scare me to death. I'm not afraid of snakes or spiders or bees....just grasshoppers. Especially the big, brown ones.
Naturally, my family finds this quite hilarious, especially the grandkids. I can see the humour in it myself, so we all laugh about it together. I have been given grasshopper "gifts" on more than one occassion. The bigger and scarier, the better.
I've had grasshoppers made just for me at preschool.
The twelve yr.old takes pictures of the biggest, scariest ones she sees and sends them to me on my cell phone!
And I, of course, love all of this grasshopper-y good natured fun.
SO......look what I found at the fabric store!
Flannel fabric made just for me! I assume it was made with me in mind because who else could possibly care about grasshopper fabric? Of course I had to have some. The grandkids love that I bought it. I'll probably just make myself a pillowcase out of it. I just hope it doesn't give me nightmares!!
See what I mean? There truly is fabric out there for every taste....
I love the apron and the fabric...i have a quilt started witht the fabric...I wish I had bought more!
Hi. I am looking for brick wall fabric and came across your blog while searching for it. Where did you find it?
Hi. I am looking for brick wall fabric and came across your blog while searching for it. Where did you find it?
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