September 28, 2008
Debbie Hulk?
Yesterday I was driving with 4yr. old Granddaughter and 3yr. old Grandson in the backseat. They were discussing the fact that grandson wants to be "The Hulk" for Halloween:
Granddaughter: "Mimi, is there a girl hulk?"
Me: "Well, I don't know! I don't think so, I've never heard of one."
Granddaughter: "Well, there SHOULD be one! And her name should be.......DEBBIE INCREDIBLE HULK!......and she should turn PINK instead of green!.....oh yeah, and she should have a bow in her hair."
I think we might have a budding screenwriter on our hands! Do you think I could sell Hollywood on the idea of DEBBIE HULK?
September 26, 2008
Where are my Ruby Slippers?
Under other, more pleasant, planned for circumstances, having a mini-suite at the Marriott all to myself (Son & family have one next door) that I'm not paying for would be fabulous!! But last night, after having been to the house and seeing what shape it's still in after 12 days, when the door to my suite closed behind me, I finally had a meltdown.....real tears and everything. And I am not a cryer, believe me! But I just want to go home! The tears only lasted a few minutes.....I got a grip, counted all my MANY blessings, and went out to dinner with my family....AGAIN! Yes, even going out to dinner is getting old!
WOW! Listen to me complain about hotel suites and dinner out!#@&*!!# Am I having a pity party or what? O.K. enough of that. (Just a minute while I re-read my previous post to myself....)
Trying to keep 3 and 4 yr.old busy and happy during all this hasn't been easy. D-I-L has enough of a challenge keeping up with these two busy kids in our own home with their own things! I think she just may lose her mind if this drags on much longer! Thank goodness for pre-school and friends and family nearby for long daily visits......hotel mini-suites and pre-schoolers are not made for each other!!!
The repairing and restoration part of all this should be completed today and this afternoon we meet with all those involved to pick out new carpet and flooring. The thing making this take so long was the discovery of mold in the wall between a bedroom and the garage, next to the water heater, apparently left there for us by the previous owners 4 years ago...... starts weekend number two in "exile". Daughter has kindly let me set up my sewing in a corner of her living room. I only brought the most basic of projects/supplies but have made quite a few of my favorite flannel blankets this week. This whole situation is causing me to have quite a creative crisis!! I feel like the people in the movie "Alien" where the little aliens come bursting out of their chests!! I have so many apron and sewing project ideas building up inside of me with no outlet right now, like they're just waiting to burst out of my chest! ....O.K.....I know that was kind of a weird and creepy analogy, but I NEED MY OWN SPACE BACK!!...I NEED TO COOK IN MY OWN KITCHEN! ....I need to get rid of all these "aliens" building up inside of me ASAP!!
If only I had a pair of Ruby Slippers so I could click my heels right now......There's no place like home!..........
Thanks for letting me vent. You're a good listener.........I feel much better now!!
September 19, 2008
EXTREME HOME MAKEOVER... whether you want it or not!

September 15, 2008
2008 Family Chili Cook-off
For those of you who were not able to be with us for our First Annual (?) "Family Chili Cook-off", I wanted to share some photos with you. I'll plan the next one for a time when I know all you out-of-towners will be here so you can share in the fun, too.......
First of all...THE CHILI:
Everyone tasted each one and then voted..............
And the coveted "Golden Ladle Award" goes to..........SHANNON, for her Chipotle Chicken Chili!!!
(Start planning your recipes now for next year and this spectacular award could be yours in 2009!)
We also had chips & guacamole (it's the tail end of the avo season...these were EXTRA good!)
Cornbread and Gram's Sourdough
Mexican Caesar Salad (ooops...forgot to take a photo)
and homemade Vanilla Ice Cream and assorted Cake Mix Cookies.
There was much conversation
and sorting through Paula's famous GORP......
Ellen modeled her new apron (see here)
and a wonderful time was had by all........
........and when we arrived home at 8:30 p.m. we were greeted by the sight of 3 inches of water covering our entire downstairs.........
September 11, 2008
September 10, 2008
Soothing Therapy, part 2
September 9, 2008
Soothing Therapy
I painted around the outside edge of each letter with leftover paint from each of their bedrooms.
Project #2: Hairclips, barrettes, and a headband for #3's 8th Birthday. 3 and 4yr.old helped make these.
Some with flowers:
Some with bugs (yes....BUGS!) She loves bugs and thought these were "really cool".
She couldn't wait to wear them to school and see who would be the first one to ask if she knew she had spiders in her hair!
Project #3: Matching horse vests for the "twin cousins"
Project #4: "Leather" vest with tiger "skin" lining for Grandson (he chose the fabrics)
PROJECT #5: An Apron for my sister, the proud mother of a Marine (my nephew) who was in Afganistan 3 weeks ago, but is now in a hospital in San Diego with his back broken in 5 places, 2 broken ankles, some broken toes, and much pain and recovery in his future. The key word here is recovery. He will recover, praise the Lord! Even with all the thoughts and prayers and e-mails and phone calls, I felt like I needed to do something tangible, so as silly as it might seem to make an apron, it was therapy for me to make something for my sister. (Ellen, if you're reading this, I'm bringing it to you on Sunday)
I also spent some time in the kitchen doing some culinary therapy.......I'll post those projects tomorrow.
After cramming all this "therapy" into the last 5 days, I should be the sanest, most well-balanced person around, don't you think???
September 6, 2008
My poor hummers can't get anywhere near their breakfast today!
I had to quit taking photos because within about 30 seconds the feeders were completely covered and they were starting to notice ME!!!