If I had to guess, I would estimate that I've probably made at least 300 aprons in the last 3 years........During the summer of 2007 a friend asked me to come up with an apron for his daughter's 14th birthday. During the making of that apron I felt a surge of creativity that really excited me and my little apron business was born.Since I was struggling with the recent end of a 3 yr. relationship it was exactly what I needed to keep me busy and to help me to not think about all those things I was trying not to dwell on......I have come to think of that time as "Apron Therapy"!Well........with all the stressful days I've been having at work these last 5 months, I have once again turned to "Apron Therapy" for some relief from the insane asylum that my workplace has become!!!
Such irony! I took a brief hiatus from sewing for the exact same reason that I now find sewing to be the perfect therapy! The sewing studio in Mimi's Room has become a busy place once again......
First, I made something for myself, which I rarely do. I love this fabric so much that I'd been holding on to it for quite a while since I couldn't bear to part with it....Well, DUH!! Why don't I just make an apron for myself?? I actually made 2: one for me and one for the ETSY shop.

A sparkly rock-star apron for a 6 yr. old friend
A thank you gift for my cousin and his wife who recently hosted a family reunion at their beautiful horse farm in Northern California
A golf-themed BBQ apron for my new Boss. I figured a nice gesture amidst all the insanity couldn't hurt, right? (he was very pleased!)
....and a few random pretties for the ETSY shop
AND.... I plan to spend the weekend working on a line of little girl's aprons using a bunch of really cute girly fabrics and trims that have been calling out to me from the corner studio.
Once again,"Apron Therapy" has come to my rescue and my mental state is slowly but surely getting back to normal (normal? hmmm...) Even my insomnia is almost gone!
Well, the isomnia getting better is also partly because of a new product I've discovered....Let me introduce you to my new BEST FRIEND!

It's not drugs, it's just melatonin and taking one 10 minutes before I want to go to sleep is MAGIC! I get just sleepy enough to fall asleep like a normal person and the quality of my sleep is so much better than it's been in years. AND NO HANGOVER!! (I hate that!) I got it at Wal-Mart, over the counter.
So, between Apron sewing and a magic little pill maybe my life really WILL get back to normal someday soon.....or at least I'll be well rested....insane, but well rested!