November 28, 2009
Poncho Snuggie? Woobie Poncho? un-Snuggie?
November 17, 2009
Soup du Jour #6

November 14, 2009
guest blogger, beginning sewer
Then I had to sew all around the edge of the blanket with pretty blue thread. I wanted to use some fancy stitches that look like little flowers. That took a really long time and actually it was kind of boring.
Mimi said next time we'll just use straight stitch since it's faster and it's more fun for me anyways. It sure did look nice when it was finished, though!
SEE!!! Look what I made! It's all finished!
I hope Baby Hayden will like her new cupcake blanket! I'm going to give it to her when I get to go see her after she's born.
I LOVE SEWING! I'm really a sewing girl now, just like my cousins and Mimi and Shan!!
I love that sewing machine so much I wanted to use it some more, so Mimi cut me some scraps and while she was making dinner she let me use it all by myself while she was in the other room. I only had to ask her 2 questions!
Look what I made by myself! Some scarves for my dolls!
You know why else I love that sewing machine so much? Look what it's called.....
GRACE!! Just like me!
Next time Mimi goes to the fabric store I'm going to go,too, so I can make blankets for all my dolls, because I'm a sewing girl now!
November 12, 2009
Katy No-Pocket apron
My co-worker has a daughter who is turning 2 this week. This little girl is rather.....quirky? Oh, the stories I hear! She really is unusually one-of-a-kind already at age 2!
Well...among all her little quirks and oddities, she really, really loves pockets. If she isn't wearing pockets herself, she'll put something in your pocket.
For her Birthday, along with a copy of the book, I designed her a Katy No-Pocket Apron, just her size, with 6 pockets across the front.
I can't wait to hear what kinds of things she finds for her funny little self to put in all her very own pockets.....
November 11, 2009
Soup du Jour #5
This really hit the spot! I'll definitely be making this again.
November 10, 2009
my "dull and boring" life.....
Are you kidding me? Where would I squeeze in time for anything (or anyone) else? As a longtime single Mimi to 5 busy Grandkids, 2 that live in the same house with me and 3 that are only 2 miles away, when would I find the time? I may once have suffered an empty nest a long time ago (my "baby" turns 29 this month!), but does this nest sound empty to you?......