What do you do when you completely change the decor of a room, and then when it's finished, you think it might have been a mistake?
A year ago, in April '08, I blogged about the simple makeover I did to the living space that's mine in the home I share with Son & Family (see here). I'm really not very good with change at all. I don't usually even like re-arranging furniture! But two things have happened since then to make me decide to change things up once again.....
1.) I was given a newer sofa, a brown sofa, that didn't match the rest of my decor and I have been unable to find anywhere, online or anywhere else, the right color and style slipcover!
2.) I travelled to Martha's Vineyard (see here) and fell in love with the East Coast/Cape Cod/ Hamptons/beachy-style look, with lots of white and aqua, sea grass and stones and driftwood. I was working with a very limited budget so I mostly re-purposed, re-covered, and re-painted what I already had....This is how I transformed jewel-toned watercolors and black wrought iron bed frame and room accents into my version of the Martha's Vineyard beach cottage look:
Colors: Aqua, brown, white
decor: beach stones, bamboo, sea grass, shells, etc.
Walls were already the right color, "Spaqua", from the last makeover
I spent a lot of time looking for exactly the right king-size flat sheets so I could sew a duvet for my existing comforter. I was so excited to find EXACTLY what I was looking for: these are Martha Stewart sheets, regular $70.00 each!.....and I got them on clearance for...(drumroll, please)....$11.99!!! ...SCORE!! talk about a bargain!
I whipped up the duvet and covered all my existing pillows with new fabrics:
Bed frame and lamp were painted white
All the frames on my picture wall went from black to white(not really sure I like this as much....the black seemed to show off the photos better. Ideally I'd like to have all the frames be light wood, sort of drift-woodish....maybe when I win the lottery?)
Took down the white lace curtains and white blinds; sewed new white gauze curtains and put up bamboo roll-up blinds. (The lighting in my room is difficult to work with this time of year. Everything, especially the colors, look much better than these photos would suggest)before


Accent pillows for the sofa and "seagrass" on the nightstand

It feels very cool and calm and peaceful in here. It's exactly the look I was going for, but I sort of miss all my watercolors....I'm sure I'll adjust to it....but what if I don't? What do I do then? Has anyone out there ever experienced anything like this? Decorators remorse? If I had unlimited funds it would be no problem, of course, but now what?