May 25, 2009
Birthday x 3
May 21, 2009
it's my birthday...again?!!
I actually never really feel my age and always think of myself as 50 years YOUNG, until something rudely comes along to remind me, like a birthday, or needing to carry around a battery-powered fan in my purse!
Some other recent rude age reminders:
** Oldest Grandaughter is starting HIGH SCHOOL in September.....AAAUGHHH!!
** Daughter recently refered to 70's music as "oldies" (?????)
** Son observed the fact that in less than 2 years all of my children will be in their 30's (WHAT?!)
** I'm getting junk mail about cemetery plots, hearing aids, and incontinence supplies!!!
** I found a box of LP records that my kids used to listen to and when I asked the grandkids if they wanted to listen to a record with me, the answer was "what's a record?"
** I was reading a book to 4 yr. old grandson and he asked me to "press pause" while he went to the bathroom.
on a positive note.....
on a recent visit to the grocery store with 4 yr. old grandson, the Checker thought I was his mother!....YESSS!! That woman has no idea how much she made my day! ......but now that I think about it, she was about my age, so she probably recognized how I was feeling and was just being kind.....whatever.....I"LL TAKE THAT COMPLIMENT ANYWAY!!
May 11, 2009
It's National Wear Your Apron Day!

This wasn't even one of my own aprons! I decided to wear my new favorite apron made for me for the Hot Mama's Fiesta Apron Swap by Kellie Cotton. It's so colorful and I knew it would attract some attention, which is weird since I NEVER want to draw attention to myself! I guess I just feel different in an apron, sort of a "Domestic Diva SuperWoman!"
Hmmmm.....maybe I could wear an apron every day, a different one to match every outfit?
On second thought,I know some people who would start questioning my sanity...... so never mind!
May 10, 2009
new shoes
E: "Mimi....WHY are you wearing those shoes?!"
Me: "They're new. I just got them today. Don't you like them?"
E: "Well...they're um...they're um.....well, they're not very pretty!"
Me: "Oh No! Really? Are they ugly?"
E: (making a yucky face) "Well, I think Uncle Chad has some just like that...."
May 9, 2009
feeling crafty........
I dug through my photo archives and with a little help from Daughter and her scrapbooking and photo expertise, I turned these notebooks from the 99cent store
I'm really pleased with how these turned out! Just a few little notebooks, photos, pretty paper, and spray adhesive! I'm already thinking of future possiblities for these simple little gifts (co-workers, grandkids teachers?).....Crafty... simple and crafty, don't you think?
And speaking of crafts, I've created my own version of a craft/sewing apron. I know there are many, many versions already out there, but all the ones I've seen are half-aprons that tie around the waist, and that is not comfortable OR flattering on me! I like full aprons, so I made a shorter version of my usual pattern and added several specific pockets. I designed it just the way I'd like it and then made a few more for the ETSY shop.
There's a small pocket up high for my Ipod:
And 3 different sized pockets across the bottom: one sized for a cell phone, one I use for my tape measure and thread snips, and another for whatever else you might like to have close at hand.
May 2, 2009
Busy Little Chefs
5 yr. old Grace made "Cinnamon Sticks" this morning...........