Saturday: My sister's house...a "leftovers party"
16 adults, 2 teenagers, 5 kids
Everyone brought any Thanksgiving dinner leftovers they wanted to share (translation: get rid of!).
We set up a sandwich bar with several sandwich grills and all the fixings: breads, cheeses, condiments, and leftover turkey and ham.....YUM!

We had way too many desserts (as usual)

And, as usual, Aunt Paula's famous GORP was the star of the party!

by the end of the day it was completely gone....

We were so happy to have nephew Andrew home for the weekend. He was able to leave the San Diego Naval Hospital where he is still recovering from injuries he sustained in Afganistan in August.
with sister and 3 cousins
with youngest cousins
We played "Family Bingo", which I created earlier this year for a previous family function.

some went in the Jacuzzi

Newly discovered musical gifts were shared

There was much good conversation and sharing of details of what the younger generation have been up to....

Bottom line? I have a wonderful family, from the oldest to the youngest.....and what a treat to spend 3 whole days with so many of my favorite people! know what? I'm tired!! I've done nothing but eat for the last 3 days! Eat and talk and laugh and share stories and I'm exhausted from all the festivities.....Tomorrow I'm going to sleep in and then spend the day quietly sewing. I'm ready for some quiet time....and fasting! Well... a modified fast. Lots of water and a little fruit and/or salad for me for a day or two.
I hope the long weekend was as enjoyable for all of you as mine was for me.