April 27, 2008
feeling happy and productive
One on One
In small saucepan, melt butter and syrup together. Add sugar and jello. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer 5 minutes. Pour immediately over popcorn and toss to coat well. Spread popcorn onto 2 cookie sheets lined with foil or waxed paper. Bake at 300* for 10 minutes. Cool.
Then, once everyone was asleep, Mimi stayed up until 2:30 a.m. sewing APRONS!
It was a lovely, Mimi kind of day....but boy, do I need a nap today!!
April 25, 2008
Wedding Gifts
The aprons were part of an Avocado-themed gift which included an avo slicer, avo masher, avo cookbook, avocado-shaped serving bowl, and LOTS OF AVOCADOS!
The packages are on the way today. I hope they like wearing their aprons as much as I enjoyed making them.
Best Wishes Lorrie!!
Congratulations Rob!!
April 22, 2008

We've had an interesting life together. Things were not always easy between us. I often wonder how we could possibly have ended up where we are today, not just mother and daughter, but really good friends, too.

April 20, 2008
Family Time.....
There was much talking, laughing, writing communal letters to those far away, and enjoyment of those with new accomplishments:
We all had a wonderful, unforgetable time together and missed all of you family members that couldn't be there. (wait until you hear Caitlin on the guitar, singing the song she wrote!!)
April 16, 2008
Extreme Room Makeover: $100.00 edition
On Thursday I sewed covers for the couch cushions.
Saturday morning, 9:00 a.m.,I prepped the walls and started painting.
April 14, 2008
All things Apron-y...
....and I think all my family members are getting tired of knowing what they'll be getting for birthdays and Christmas ("oooooh.......another apron!) I mean, how many 3 & 4 year olds do you know who have an entire wardrobe of aprons to choose from?
I've joined an Apron Social Network online, "The Apronista", and am enjoying meeting new friends that are also obsessed with aprons and all things apron-y.
I found apron charms at Christmas and made some apron necklaces as gifts.
In my idea notebook, in the apron section (yes, I only have an apron section, not a whole apron notebook), I currently have 5 pages, single spaced, of aprons/apron ideas that are just waiting for the time to work on them ( fabric is already purchased, of course!). Now if I could just win the lottery so I could quit my job, build myself a sewing studio and do nothing but make aprons all day!
SEE! See what I mean! Other people want to win the lottery so they can buy cars and houses and boats. I just want to be able to sew aprons all day!!!
April 9, 2008
A List....
For lack of something better to say today, here is a list of some of my favorite things, in no particular order:
1. Cracked Pepper flavored anything
2. "La Playa" handmade soap from Simply Soap
3. Emu oil
4. Crocs (5 pairs so far)
5. Craft blogs
6. fabric shopping
7. Children's literature
8. Mentholatum
9. Hummingbirds
10. Weiner dogs
11. iTunes
12. my Neti Pot
13. Vetyver scented anything
14. Knit scarves
15. Black jelly bellies
16. Flannel sheets
17. my Tempurpedic pillow
18. Pureology hair products
19. used book stores
20. mowing the lawn
21. the "Apronista" website
22. tearing apart old magazines
23. Libraries
24. collecting recipes
25. Food section of the newspaper
How about you? What are your favorite things?
April 6, 2008
My Favorite Kind Of Weekend...
I got some reading done:
and took these two to the movies to see "Nim's Island". It was a cross between "Home Alone" and Swiss Family Robinson". It was a little too intense and confusing for the 4 yr. old, but the 7 yr.old & I enjoyed it.
I also got plenty of computer time to spend on my new favorite Apron site "The Apronista". I'm having a great time meeting new friends and talking apron talk!
a little bit of all my favorite things........my favorite kind of weekend!
(bella: the apron pattern is my own. I traced a purchased apron a fellow vendor was wearing at a craft fair and then tweaked it a little to make it my own....)